Simplify and scale your data transformation pipelines.

We leverage no-code/low-code platforms for manageable and efficient data pipelines. Years of understanding business user pain around failed data loads helps us trade off simplicity and efficiency in right manner. Let’s discuss your data transformation process.

The Anxiety of a failed data load is directly proportional to the complexity of legacy ETL

Legacy ETL process of taking data from OLTP systems like SAP to a data warehouse has been a mammoth task, both due to the complexity of transformation and the short time window available to make the updated data available before business start. The ELT (Extract Load Transform) paradigm is changing this. While it involves the same work as legacy ETL, it operates by moving raw data from source system to destination data warehouse first and then leveraging the power and scalability of the Datawarehouse (typically on cloud using MPP architecture and columnar storage) to do the compute intensive transformations in record time. This eliminates the need to have an oversized ETL tool with a staging server used just for few hours. It also makes real time data transfer seamless As we have increasing real time Semi structured and unstructured data with schema on read use cases, ELT becomes more of a choice rather than ETL which has been primarily for structured data.

Integrate all your data sources in a scalable DW to get insights with context.